Michael Budnick

Michael Budnick

Cloud-Native Developer
DevOps Enthusiast
Cybersecurity Champion
Scaling Fanatic
Professionally, I am an experienced Senior Software Developer with a background in Cloud Infrastructure, Backend Engineering, DevOps, and Cybersecurity. My experience is in leading innovative, cloud-native projects to deliver High-Availability SaaS platforms. I am also proficient in designing secure and efficient development pipelines for rapid, safe, and scalable application deployments. I also hold a number of certifications, please check out my Certifications!

Personally, I live in New York City and thrive on life's adventures! Outside of coding and learning about computers, I'm pedaling through the city streets on my bike, reading about history or literature, whipping up tasty and healthy dishes in the kitchen, rock climbing at the gym, strumming my guitar to the rhythm of life, or creating something never seen before with my 3D printer. I'm always up for discovery and exploration!

Currently Reading

Think Like a Rocket Scientist

Oan Varol

Currently Listening

Napoleon: A Life

Andrew Roberts

Currently Watching

AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate Course

Tutorials Dojo